I recently had a very good reading — “Microserfs” by Douglas Coupland. That’s a book about life, love, code and a few friends that try to have all of the above.
Early 1990′s. Several friends work at Microsoft’s “Campus” at Redmond. Their lifestyle described as “…I was technically living but without a life. “. It happens that they deside to move to Silikawn Valley and launch a start-up called Oop!. Some quotes below:
On Love:
“Anyway, I want to remind that love can happen”
“Love has almost nothing to do with looks. It’s about two people insides mixing together.”
On Life:
“His have-a-life factor is pretty near zero”
… I said “don’t worry about it, Karla. Because at the end we forget everything, anyway. We are humans; we’re amnesia machines”
On Code:
“Later tonight, Michael stomped into the office in a way he never has before, clapped his hands, and shouted, ‘Troops, let’s make these machines do something they’ve never done before. Let’s make them sign.‘ “