Archive for the 'work' Category

a system administration parable: the waitress and the water glass [PDF]

Monday, January 9th, 2012

“I P R E S E N T T O Y O U , D E A R R E A D E R , T H I S parable about how the different ways we organize our work result in different levels of customer satisfaction.”, by T H O M A S A . L I M O N C E L L I

a system administration parable: the waitress and the water glass [PDF]

Monday, January 9th, 2012

“I P R E S E N T T O Y O U , D E A R R E A D E R , T H I S parable about how the different ways we organize our work result in different levels of customer satisfaction.”, by T H O M A S A . L I M O N C E L L I

JBoss Worm Exploiting Old Bug to Infect Unpatched Servers | threatpost

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Worm uses bug in jmx-console to execute shell code, then it installs perl-based control daemon that connects to IRS, and tries to discover other JBoss’es near by by using jgroups UDP multicast. Here is more details, including the source code http://pa…

JBoss Worm Exploiting Old Bug to Infect Unpatched Servers | threatpost

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Worm uses bug in jmx-console to execute shell code, then it installs perl-based control daemon that connects to IRS, and tries to discover other JBoss’es near by by using jgroups UDP multicast. Here is more details, including the source code http://pa…

So you want to be a consultant…?

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

definitely read this you want to go for consulting (it may not be what u think)

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

jobs postings