Archive for the 'sysadmin' Category

Cyrus Email at Columbia edu

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

sort of “case study” for PHB-types

cpan2rpm – A Perl module packager

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

RPM packages are easy to install and manage, Perl modules are useful and do all sorts of things. Now you can have both with minimal effort: cpan2rpm makes that possible by incorporating a lot of know-how about package building into a simple and powerfu…

M/B SE7230NH1-LX не видит LSI 21320R – Конференция

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Problem between MB Bios and LSI20320 BIOS

FSBACKUP – file system backup and synchronization utility.

Friday, October 19th, 2007

documentation is in russian

Installing Tomcat5 on RHEL4 or CentOS4.2

Thursday, October 11th, 2007


glTail.rb – realtime logfile visualization

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

OpenGL log visualization (ssh and tail) — pretty cool!!!

NetXMS – Open source network monitoring system :: Screenshots

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Cool monitoring system with web/ windows management console / pocket pc access

Munin the monitoring tool – project home page

Saturday, September 15th, 2007

nterface. Its emphasis is on plug and play capabilities. After completing a installation a high number of monitoring plugins will be playing with no more effort.


Sunday, August 19th, 2007

20K concurrent download of static content from a single server — a paper how mirror from Ireland did that.

Apache Performance Tuning – DeveloperSide.NET Articles

Saturday, August 11th, 2007

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” — Donald Knuth.