Archive for the 'ssl' Category

SSL Protocol Flow Diagram / ssl_handcheck2.png (PNG Image, 640×763 pixels)

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Thanks to Aloha LoadBalncer people for nice SSL protocol diagram

SSL termination: stunnel, nginx & stud | Vincent Bernat

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Interesting test results comparing and analyzing SSL performance. Using right combination of software and proper tunning, you can get up to 14000 TPS (re-shake every 80 requests) on HP DL 380 G7, with two Xeon L5630 (running at 2.13GHz for a total of…

SSL termination: stunnel, nginx & stud | Vincent Bernat

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Interesting test results comparing and analyzing SSL performance. Using right combination of software and proper tunning, you can get up to 14000 TPS (re-shake every 80 requests) on HP DL 380 G7, with two Xeon L5630 (running at 2.13GHz for a total of…

Benchmarking SSL performance | Exceliance – Aloha Load Balancer

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

SSL perfomance benchmark on Atom D510 ( dual core 1.6 GHz ). (STUD/OpenSSL 0.9.8) . With re-negotiation every 100 requests and object size = 4K, 2300 SSL Req/Sec on Intel Atom!

Benchmarking SSL performance | Exceliance – Aloha Load Balancer

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

SSL perfomance benchmark on Atom D510 ( dual core 1.6 GHz ). (STUD/OpenSSL 0.9.8) . With re-negotiation every 100 requests and object size = 4K, 2300 SSL Req/Sec on Intel Atom!

BlackHat USA 2011: SSL And The Future Of Authenticity – YouTube

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

BlackHat USA 2011: SSL And The Future Of Authenticity – YouTube

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

MOXIE MARLINSPIKE talk at BlackHat USA 2011 about current problems with SSL and CA sustem, and the feature of SSL w/out CAs.

A message from Comodo Hacker –

Monday, April 4th, 2011

[also see LWN's write-up .] Curios message [allegedly] from a person who hacked into Comodo CA. Makes you wonder … Basically the whole SSL trust is just a piece of crap and cannot be trusted at all — major CA …

o3 magazine | Open Source SSL Acceleration

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Article about SSL termination with NGINX. In sort: 2 x 4 core AMD 2.5GHz == 25000 SSL TPS

ImperialViolet – Overclocking SSL

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Notes from google ppl about their optimizations for SSL connections.