SSL Protocol Flow Diagram / ssl_handcheck2.png (PNG Image, 640×763 pixels)
Monday, October 31st, 2011Thanks to Aloha LoadBalncer people for nice SSL protocol diagram
Thanks to Aloha LoadBalncer people for nice SSL protocol diagram
Posted in diagrams, https, protocol, ssl | Comments Off | permalink
Interesting test results comparing and analyzing SSL performance. Using right combination of software and proper tunning, you can get up to 14000 TPS (re-shake every 80 requests) on HP DL 380 G7, with two Xeon L5630 (running at 2.13GHz for a total of…
Posted in benchmark, comparison, Linux, networking, nginx, openssl, performance, Security, ssl, STUD, stunnel, sysadmin, tls | Comments Off | permalink
Interesting test results comparing and analyzing SSL performance. Using right combination of software and proper tunning, you can get up to 14000 TPS (re-shake every 80 requests) on HP DL 380 G7, with two Xeon L5630 (running at 2.13GHz for a total of…
Posted in benchmark, comparison, Linux, networking, nginx, openssl, performance, Security, ssl, STUD, stunnel, sysadmin, tls | Comments Off | permalink
SSL perfomance benchmark on Atom D510 ( dual core 1.6 GHz ). (STUD/OpenSSL 0.9.8) . With re-negotiation every 100 requests and object size = 4K, 2300 SSL Req/Sec on Intel Atom!
Posted in atom, benchmark, D510, intel, opensource, openssl, performance, ssl, STUD | Comments Off | permalink
SSL perfomance benchmark on Atom D510 ( dual core 1.6 GHz ). (STUD/OpenSSL 0.9.8) . With re-negotiation every 100 requests and object size = 4K, 2300 SSL Req/Sec on Intel Atom!
Posted in atom, benchmark, D510, intel, opensource, openssl, performance, ssl, STUD | Comments Off | permalink
Posted in authenticity, blackhat, CA, crypto, for:@twitter, has:for, infosec, Security, ssl, trust, video | Comments Off | permalink
MOXIE MARLINSPIKE talk at BlackHat USA 2011 about current problems with SSL and CA sustem, and the feature of SSL w/out CAs.
Posted in authenticity, blackhat, CA, crypto, infosec, Security, ssl, trust, video | Comments Off | permalink
[also see LWN's write-up .] Curios message [allegedly] from a person who hacked into Comodo CA. Makes you wonder … Basically the whole SSL trust is just a piece of crap and cannot be trusted at all — major CA …
Posted in browser, hacking, infosec, internet, Security, ssl | Comments Off | permalink
Article about SSL termination with NGINX. In sort: 2 x 4 core AMD 2.5GHz == 25000 SSL TPS
Posted in acceleration, Linux, loadbalancing, nginx, proxy, Security, ssl, web | Comments Off | permalink
Notes from google ppl about their optimizations for SSL connections.
Posted in cryptography, google, http, https, Linux, openssl, performance, scalability, Security, ssl | Comments Off | permalink
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