Archive for the 'programming' Category

Anatomy of the libvirt virtualization library

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

useful article about “libvirt” – a common management interface for different visualization software

[RUS] Подсчет количества найденных записей в PostgreSQL / Хабрахабр

Friday, January 8th, 2010

PostgresSQL: how to count number of rows returned by a query and do it fast

Perl 6 Book / book-2009-11.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

book about perl 6

LXR / The Linux Cross Reference

Friday, November 20th, 2009

linux kernel code cross-reference: you can quickly look up a piece of code,, find out in what version it appeared first, and so on.

ASP and Web Session Management

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

notes about how IIS creates and uses sessions for “classic ASP” (ASP.DLL)

Receive packet steering []

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

notes from LWN about RPS patch — a way to distribute incoming traffic coming from 1 source (1 NIC, 1 queue, 1 IRQ line) via multiple CPU by hashing tcp headers and distributing by hash across multiple CPU/Cores

[RUS] Применение нейросетей в распознавании изображений / Искусственный интеллект / Хабрахабр

Friday, November 6th, 2009

Different approaches in using neuron networks for OCR (optical character recognition) — an article in Russain

[RUS] RAR: получение списка файлов без PECL / PHP / Хабрахабр

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

article in Russian that explains RAR archive format, and shows example php code that gets list of files out of the archive

[RUS] Случайная выборка нескольких строк с минимальным IO / PostgreSQL : Форум на SQL.RU

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

how to get fast random select in postgres

Joshua Zhu’s Blog » C10K [how to write C10K server]

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

notes about high-performance unix server programming, things like concurrency models, IO types, memory allocation strategies, etc.