Archive for the 'programming' Category

Image Processing with OpenGL and Shaders | Linux Journal

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

article about image processing on GPU (V4L2 video device, OpenGL 2.0, GLUT or FreeGLUT lib, GLEW lib)

Google Translate "Again about SQL " — route costs lookup for telephony operator

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Google translate of 2 posts in Russian section of LJ about route costs look up problem commonly faced by telephony operators

GXT on GWT (on Eclipse) – quantschool

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Tutorial that shows how to use Eclipse (3.5/3.6) and create a sample project for a web application based on GWT (google web toolkit) and GXT (a mix of Ext JS javascript framework and google web toolkit)

[RUS] Обзор алгоритмов кластеризации данных / Data Mining / Хабрахабр

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

short article [in Russian ] that covers basics for data clusterization (sorting vectors into groups, aka clusters)

[RUS ]nuclight: Torrent: альтернативный способ детектирования [how to detect torrent protocol by looking at tracker requests]

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

A way to detect BT protocol traffic — instead of looking at every packet, traffic to torrent tracker websites is redirected (via divert(4) ) and then analyzed. Analyzer script (PERL) produces the src_ip, dst_ip, dst_port triplet, this info can be us…

IBM developerWorks : Linux : Technical library view: Kernel APIs articles

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Series of short articles on linux kernel [2.6.27] APIs by Tim Jones

[RUS]Проектирование френдленты и рейтингов / Проектирование БД : Форум на SQL.RU | [Forum] Modeling frendlist, ratings

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

Some comments on modeling friendlits user activity, for social media websites (or apps)

Rest in Peas: The Unrecognized Death of Speech Recognition – robertfortner’s posterous

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

An excellent article providing an overview and history of speech recognition technologies. For geeks looking into more tech details, pls see

Document Image Content Inventories (algorithms)

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

“We report an investigation into strategies, algorithms, and software tools for document image content extraction

How SKBs work

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

details about important linux kernel networking subsystem data structure called “skb”