Archive for the 'infosec' Category

CCC-TV – 26C3: Here be Dragons (1/3)

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Video archive for Chaos Communications Congress 2009 (CCC – a well-knows security conference )

Understanding the TLS Renegotiation Attack – Educated Guesswork

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

explains Marsh Ray’s attack in details, pls patch to fix the TLS protocol

Electric Alchemy: Cracking Passwords in the Cloud: Breaking PGP on EC2 with EDPR

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

article tells you that using elcomsoft tools, you can brute-force PGP pass-phrase in ~120 days for ~$9K on 10 EC2 instances.

[rus ]Об одном эвристическом методе детекции вирусных инжекций на сайтах / Информационная безопасность / Хабрахабр

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

statistical method for detection of statistical malicious javascript, perl implementation.

Tenable Network Security: Ranum’s Rants – The Anatomy of Security Disasters

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

highly recommended read for anyone dealing with security and PHBs. This is by