Archive for the 'article' Category

a sea of lead, a sky of slate: Abandoned on Everest

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

read it, a chilling article [and comments!] about what 'commercialized' mountaineering has become.

Grand Tour of Closet-Sized Crew Quarters in Space – ISS

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

video tour for living compartments for US crew on board ISS (International Space Station)

Plastic SCM blog: Linus on branching…

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

START NEW BRANCHES FROM A KNOWN STABLE POINT. that's it. the article (and Linus) basically explain why it's bad to do otherwise

Robert Haas: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL, Part 1: Table Organization

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

An article from a well-known PostgreSQL developer comparing MySQL InnoDB and PostgreSQL table structures

What’s Wrong With the American University System – Culture – The Atlantic

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Interesting interview with Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, the authors of “Higher Education”

NeuroLogica Blog » Barriers to the Acceptance of Science

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Excellent article, shows some aspects why ppl do not accept silence — main cause: due to human nature emotions win over reason

Linux audio explained | News | TechRadar UK

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Excellent article explaining linux audio stack, describing which component does what and why

Ceph: The Distributed File System Creature from the Object Lagoon | Linux Magazine

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

detailed article about CEPTH — [client] parts of Cepth were recently accepted into the mainline linux kernel

InsideBufferCache.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Monday, March 29th, 2010

“There’s very little information about PostgreSQL buffer cache

Блокнот Снайпера by HPBT Inc.- СТАТЬИ / [RUS] Anti-Spniper Operation

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Military tactics and strategy