Archive for the 'aws' Category

Configuring Multiple Default Routes in Linux « Darien Kindlund’s Blog

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Notes on how to get sane traffic flows for a linux box that has 2 network cards connected to the same network. NOTE: this is a required setup if you are using multiple network cards feature on AWS VPC

Configuring Multiple Default Routes in Linux « Darien Kindlund’s Blog

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Notes on how to get sane traffic flows for a linux box that has 2 network cards connected to the same network. NOTE: this is a required setup if you are using multiple network cards feature on AWS VPC

Configuring Multiple Default Routes in Linux « Darien Kindlund’s Blog

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Notes on how to get sane traffic flows for a linux box that has 2 network cards connected to the same network. NOTE: this is a required setup if you are using multiple network cards feature on AWS VPC

Instagram Engineering • What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

EC2 -> Ubuntu 11.o4 /, PostgreSQL 9.+ (Replication) + S3 (photo files) + Redis + Solr + Gearman-> Dajango / memcached -> Nginx -> ELB / Munin for monitoring trends, Pingdom for alerting,

Instagram Engineering • What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

EC2 -> Ubuntu 11.o4 /, PostgreSQL 9.+ (Replication) + S3 (photo files) + Redis + Solr + Gearman-> Dajango / memcached -> Nginx -> ELB / Munin for monitoring trends, Pingdom for alerting,

Jboss Cluster in the Cloud | JBossWorld, Redhat Presentation [ban_w_310_running_in_the_cloud.pdf ]

Monday, October 31st, 2011

“RUNNING A JBOSS CLUSTER IN THE CLOUD”, by Bela Ban, JBoss. “JBoss Clustering uses IP
multicasting, so it doesn’t work on EC2 !@#$@” — WRONG ! Of course it DOES ! -

AWS Developer Forums: Red Hat repository broken …

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

RHEL 5.6 images on Amazon are broken, you need to install an additional RPM package to fix the repo setup

AWS Developer Forums: Red Hat repository broken …

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

RHEL 5.6 images on Amazon are broken, you need to install an additional RPM package to fix the repo setup

Jboss Cluster in the Cloud | JBossWorld, Redhat Presentation [ban_w_310_running_in_the_cloud.pdf ]

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

Penetration Testing Policy for Amazon EC2

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

read this if you need to conduct pen and security testing on / from EC2 instances